I'm Carlo and I started out Shelljam to provide a way of using any
standard computer hardware as an input device to make music with. Uses
like altering sounds with joysticks or simply playing chords on
keyboards are examples really great uses that come to mind, but there is
no inherent limitation.
Currently, the most important things that need to be done with Shelljam
are SCHED_FIFO realtime implementation and possibly threading
implementation (I suspect the threading gains would only start to get
visible when a large number of devices are used at once).
Personally I would like to minimize my time spent coding and maximize my
time spent producing music, although I have a fairly deep insight into
C++ and I can work closely with you to produce a Free Software
application that has the potential to create a whole movement of young
and/or open minded people to enrich our Free Music landscape by reducing
the entry cost to produce extremely good-sounding music.
Please contact me at capocasa :-:-:AT:-.-.- gmx :--DOT-.-.- Net if
you're at all interested!
Received on Thu Mar 2 12:15:04 2006
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