linux-audio-dev By Subject
- [ANN] Rhythm Galaxy vol. 1 drum/percussion sample library
- [ardour-users] Jack is Jacked
- [linux-audio-dev] [admin] reminder: no html postings on linux-audio-*
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] arcangel (and result of widget discussion)
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] Csound 5.01 release
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] netjack-0.10
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] netjack-0.8
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] netjack-0.9 with alsa I/O (also can be used to bind jackd to 2 soundcards)
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] netjack-0.9rc1
- [linux-audio-dev] [ann] PDX7 V2 - A 6-Op-FM synthesizer for Pd
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] QjackCtl 0.2.20 released!
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] Qsynth 0.2.5 released!
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] Rhythm Galaxy vol. 1 drum/percussion sample library
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] Snd-ls V0.9.5.4 and Das_Watchdog V0.2.1
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] Snd-ls V0.9.5.5, Das_Watchdog V0.2.2 and Ceres V0.44
- [linux-audio-dev] [ANN] sverb 0.90
- [linux-audio-dev] [Announce] MusE 0.8 released
- [linux-audio-dev] [Announce] MusE 0.8.1 released
- [linux-audio-dev] a bit off topic: GUI-lib-programming (how does it usually work?)
- [linux-audio-dev] A proposal
- [linux-audio-dev] ALSA Picture
- [linux-audio-dev] Alsa Problem
- [linux-audio-dev] Amplitude (de)modulation with JACK (was "with LADSPA")
- [linux-audio-dev] Amplitude modulation with LADSPA
- [linux-audio-dev] Best opensource license to use?
- [linux-audio-dev] CLI wanted - Need PCM to generic SBout on Smoothwall-2 stock kernel
- [linux-audio-dev] Creating an api for an exsisting project
- [linux-audio-dev] dssi-vst 0.4
- [linux-audio-dev] Errors trying to build dssi-vst 0.4 ... any help?
- [linux-audio-dev] Errors trying to build dssi-vst 0.4 ... anyhelp?
- [linux-audio-dev] fast linear resampling on ARM - suggestions?
- [linux-audio-dev] Fiasco microkernel
- [linux-audio-dev] flashing a rom
- [linux-audio-dev] Fwd: OT -- USB History
- [linux-audio-dev] Gerard van Dongen/Gilcher 1967-2006
- [linux-audio-dev] ICMC 2006: Extended Deadlines
- [linux-audio-dev] jack.udp and synchronisation
- [linux-audio-dev] Juce now has ALSA support!
- [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA processing: ams, om, ... Anything else?
- [linux-audio-dev] Letter to kernel developers?
- [linux-audio-dev] liboggz 0.9.5 Release
- [linux-audio-dev] linear resampling is crap ?
- [linux-audio-dev] linear resampling is crap ? (was: fast linear resampling on ARM - suggestions?)
- [linux-audio-dev] Linux Audio Conference 2006: Register now!
- [linux-audio-dev] Midi Sync
- [linux-audio-dev] New LAD site is up and needs work
- [linux-audio-dev] newbie problem compiling ladspaSDK on mac
- [linux-audio-dev] Old Specimen mockups
- [linux-audio-dev] options in capturing audio off a PlusDeck?
- [linux-audio-dev] OSS, Line in directly to Line out?
- [linux-audio-dev] OSS, Sound playback too fast
- [linux-audio-dev] regarding the 2nd Book Of Linux Music & Sound
- [linux-audio-dev] Reliability of SPDIF sync w/ onboard audio?
- [linux-audio-dev] Roland CG-8: another Linux product
- [linux-audio-dev] select() ?? before snd_pcm_writei(handle, buffer, frames);
- [linux-audio-dev] Shelljam: Help Wanted!
- [linux-audio-dev] stuff I've done
- [linux-audio-dev] VST host for LADSPA plugins
- [linux-audio-dev] What is currently the best USB audio interface for Linux?
- [linux-audio-dev] What is currently the best USB audio interfacefor Linux?
- [linux-audio-dev] Writing PCM to left and right channel seperately?
- [linux-audio-dev] Writing PCM to left and right channel sperately?
- [linux-audio-dev] zthreads realtime
- [linux-audio-user] [ANN] Kontroll
- [linux-audio-user] [ANN] Rhythm Galaxy vol. 1 drum/percussion sample library
- [linux-audio-user] More about consolidation of the Linux audio online resources (was: linuxdj...)
- [linux-audio-user] regarding the 2nd Book Of Linux Music & Sound
- a bit off topic: GUI-lib-programming (how does it usually work?)
- Amplitude (de)modulation with JACK (was "with LADSPA")
- arcangel (and result of widget discussion)
- Call for help for LinuxTag2006
- Creating an api for an exsisting project
- fast linear resampling on ARM - suggestions?
- Freebob-devices
- Fwd: [linux-audio-dev] LADSPA processing: ams, om, ... Anything else?
- Karlsruhe
- Letter to kernel developers?
- linux-audio-dev] LADSPA processing: ams, om, ... Anything else?
- MusE 0.8.1 released
- New LAD site is up and needs work
- python and jack, performance report
- sampling speed
- Shelljam: Help Wanted!
- stuff I've done
- Last message date: Fri Mar 31 2006 - 20:15:10 EEST
- Archived on: Fri Mar 31 2006 - 20:15:10 EEST