Jussi Laako <jussi.laako@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> I somehow find this a bit funny. OSS has been dealing with these
> things at driver level and hiding the complexity pretty well. And it
> also works for pro cards like my Delta1010. First it was argued that
> there wasn't enough control and ALSA was better. Now ALSA has taken
> this to the other extreme and now we are arguing if it's too
> complex.
No, that's not what we are arguing, at least how I understood it. The
topic was not complexity but accessibility. If it is impossible to
find explanations, stuff is hard to do. A well-documented crummy
interface can be easier to work with than an under-documented
well-designed one.
-- David Kastrup, Kriemhildstr. 15, 44793 BochumReceived on Fri Mar 3 00:15:05 2006
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