On Fri, 2006-03-03 at 20:09 +0100, Christoph Eckert wrote:
> > It's currently not possible to specify one specific ALSA
> > device in a pipeline such that the same pipeline is guaranteed to
> > work across machine reboots. The problem is that ALSA card numbers
> > are generated on each system startup. The result depends on the
> > random order of which kernel module gets loaded first. When
> > hotplugging USB audio devices, the card number changes may even
> > happen without machine reboots.
> what about indexing the cards in modules.conf? Works great for me even
> when hotplugging USB devices (and I use 5 of them ;-)
And normal users should never have to touch that file. In Gnome, just
do System->Preferences->Sound and select the "Default sound card".
Received on Sat Mar 4 00:15:07 2006
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