Quoting Julian Storer <jules@email-addr-hidden>:
> Hi folks
> A while ago there was some talk on the newsgroup about my Juce library,
> and people were asking if/when I'd add support for audio under Linux..
> well it's taken me a while to get round to it, but I finally battled
> through the hostile, undocumented jungle of ALSA, and the latest Juce
> release does finally make a noise under Linux!
This is truly great news. I really appreciate the effort you have put into
the port, and to supporting Linux.
Alas, ALSA. It's very unfortunate that you chose ALSA as the API for Linux.
For me, applications without jack support are of zero interest.
I live in a world where i can just connect every soft synth and drum machine
and midi sequencer via jack to ardour, sync them via jack transport, do
mastering inside this environment with Jamin.
I'm capable of exporting & mastering faster-than-realtime, because all the
software inside the "jack loop" will all run in perfect sync, in-time &
on-time with jack instead of the soundcard.
These are the benefits from jack. This is why I will give almost no
consideration for an application which isn't jackd compatible.
The worst thing that can happen is that you get disencouraged. I really do
hope you won't get. Like Paul said, the jackd api is super-simple, you
should have no trouble at all making a driver for JUCE which uses jackd.
Please, pretty please, with sugar, whip cream and a coctail cherry on top.
Don't give up! :)
(And i guess you've already worked through the GUI & input issues of porting
JUCE to Linux, so one more driver should be a breeze)
Received on Wed Mar 1 12:15:05 2006
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