Hi Devs, hi Chris
I've just compiled dssi-vst 0n openSUSE10.0 successfull. I'm using wine
0.9.8, liblo 0.22 (build failed with liblo 0.23 because of a linking
prob) and vstsdk 2.4.
dssi-vst works nearly well with the latest rosegarden4 for suse (and the
JAD2 RT kernel). I also get energyXT.dll to work standalone and inside
dssi-vst works now more stable and faster. Thanks Chris for this
helpfull software and your distribution friendly licence. JackLab will
offer a binary rpm of dssi-vst 0.4 the next days.
More Info www.jacklab.net
Received on Sun Mar 5 20:15:08 2006
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