Hi Julian,
Just compiled juce and tried the demo programme. Got
the error contained in the attached screen capture. I
don't normally have any problems running alsa audio
apps, however the fault may be in my alsa setup.
--- Julian Storer <jules@email-addr-hidden>
> Hi folks
> A while ago there was some talk on the newsgroup
> about my Juce library,
> and people were asking if/when I'd add support for
> audio under Linux..
> well it's taken me a while to get round to it, but I
> finally battled
> through the hostile, undocumented jungle of ALSA,
> and the latest Juce
> release does finally make a noise under Linux!
> Some quick background info for those of you who
> won't be familiar with
> Juce - it's a cross-platform (Windows/Mac/Linux) GUI
> + everything else
> library, similar to Qt, wxWindows, etc, released
> under the GPL. Because
> of my background (I wrote Tracktion), there's a lot
> of audio stuff in
> there, and it's got cross-platform support for
> DirectSound, ASIO,
> CoreAudio.. and now ALSA.
> So anyway, if anyone's interested in having a go,
> that'd be great, as so
> far I've only been able to test it on my laptop's
> built-in soundcard!
> The Juce demo app has an audio page which monitors
> incoming audio, plays
> wavefiles and has a simple synthesizer. It lets you
> pick a soundcard,
> change its sample rate, etc.
> Hope this is of interest to people! More info here:
> http://www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce
> and downloads here:
> http://www.rawmaterialsoftware.com/juce/download.php
> (Oh - and before anyone asks "does this mean
> Tracktion is going to come
> out on Linux soon", the answer is "I don't know"!)
> Cheers!
> Jules
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