thanks for your understanding and little misunderstanding.
To Peter:
1. It *was" an announcement, I do not ever "advertise". Or you want to say
that if it's free product then it's an annoucemenet, and if it's not, this is
an advertisement? I didn't yet know about such specifics in OSS
terminology ;-)
2. I didn't say the sounds are great, I said "amazing" and "superb" ;-)
3. I don't think anyone ever released a commercial library for Linux software,
so at least I thought you developers should know I did.
Please take my apologies to anyone who my post hurt. But anyway I am a little
surprised by how unwelcome any Linux-for-audio promotiing intentions like
mine appeared to be to some of you. I must say that, still, there were much
more positive reaction to this commercial Linux sound library from users who
have been awating for some changes for a while.
Anyway, for those whose ears fade away when they hear a word "commercial",
please see:
Received on Mon Mar 6 00:15:09 2006
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