Florian: What can such a lib do?I already have toggle-buttons, progressbars,
labels and I'm working on text-entry-fields. Next thing is menus and
mutiple-choice-buttons (radio-buttons, lists) and sliders. That is all stuff
I can imagine
and handle. I'm still thinking about linking objects. You know like in ams,
link oscillator to filter. So osc-output goes into filter-input. I have some
ideas on the topic though.
So ardour wouldn't be such a big problem. Nasty because there's so much, it
simply needs to be organised. BUT...
BUT, there are things i have to take in account: All objects should be kind
of line-based (a braille-display only shows a single line at a time. Objects
should look like in other good text-apps, so you know, what they are,
intuitively. Same goes for key-action.
Apps I considered: lynx (buttons, text-entry, lists and checkboxes), emacs
(look of the menubar, not functionality).
About generalisation of UI: I'm based on ncurses at the moment. But I'd like
to take at least slang into acount. About graphics, I don't think. There are
enough GUI-libs, done much better and more elaborate than my work. Besides:
I'm not a very good programmer. Ok, but far from expert.
Kindest regards
Music was my first love and it will be my last (John Miles)
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http://ltsb.sourceforge.net - the Linux TextBased Studio guide
Received on Mon Mar 6 20:15:08 2006
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