On Fri, Apr 21, 2006 at 08:51:32 +0000, Chris Cannam wrote:
> Paul Winkler:
> > OTOH, it's pretty obvious why this is the case.
> > Imagine if it *did* have to resolve to something.
> > What would that mean?
> That's a slightly perplexing detail even with the
> situation as it is. What if the URI *does* resolve as
> a URL? Would a host that looked up the URL and did
> something with the results (doesn't matter what, but
> let's imagine that the host defines the thing it will do
> and does it consistently) be committing a fundamental error?
There is no particular reason for a machine to ever resolve that URI, it's
just an identifier, but a human might well want to.
- Steve
Received on Fri Apr 21 16:15:11 2006
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