Lee Revell wrote:
> On Fri, 2006-05-12 at 12:04 +0100, peter wrote:
>> On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 07:07 -0400, Lee Revell wrote:
>>> On Wed, 2006-05-10 at 14:55 +0200, Esben Stien wrote:
>>>> ZAP Audio Plugins
>>> I like this one, especially if the R. Crumb reference is intentional
>> hmm ZAP. not only the least offensive recursive acronym i've seen but
>> it's
> Why was 'peep' offensive? urbandictionary was of no help.
different kind of offensive. recursive acro's are often contrived and stretched to fit.
peep isn't SO bad and it's even palindromic if you go in for that sort of thing but ZAP
just seems to have a lot going for it where peep seems a bit laboured.
>> also catchy, has one syllable and sounds like the ZAPP.
> What's ZAPP?
70-80's electro funk band. featuring a characteristic use of vocoders.
more bounce to the ounce is probably their best known track.
(features in la haine in the breakdancing scene if you've seen that. )
so uhm.. i like ZAPP and also like Z.A.P. the idea of a zap vocoder
plugin seems a fitting tribute to the vocoder pioneers.
not exactly relevant but i liked it enough to wade in on its behalf.
>> infact, i
>> reckon it
>> has more bounce to the ounce.
>> LV2 has non of the above but is also a good enough choice to my mind.
>> =)
Received on Sat May 13 04:15:03 2006
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