On Mon, 2006-05-15 at 19:29 +0200, Uwe Koloska wrote:
> Am Montag, 15. Mai 2006 19:15 schrieb Lee Revell:
> > > Ok, but I think GPL and purchase is a contradiction, isn't it?
> I have had better said: GPL and purchasing the source is a contradiction,
> isn't it?
> > No, it's perfectly legal to sell GPL software.
> Yes, but not the sourcecode. You can charge for handling and don't have to
> provide a direct download, but you are not allowed to purchase the code. And
> if the code is public anyone can give it away for free.
> So, if they really have chosen to make the code available under the terms of
> the GPL (and noone has forced them to do) they must follow the license and
> can't make additional restrictions as you have stated.
Actually, you can sell the sourcecode, but it doesn't make sense to
because you also have to provide it for free.
> Uwe
Received on Tue May 16 00:15:04 2006
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