Paul Davis wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-05-20 at 02:31 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> I should add another program which is crippled by this same problem Lee,
>> is grip. It can rip a cd, but cannot play the cd even when not
>> ripping it. And the ripped sound isn't up to the usual quality, often
>> sounding as if the playback is of a file that over-drove the d/a in
>> playback, or the a/d in the recording, eg clipped. A far cry from
>> grips usual crystal clear results.
> i use grip and skype and they both work perfectly for me. i suspect that
> your problem may be driver related rather than app related. i do not use
> aoss - generally i have JACK running on my hdsp interface and leave the
> builtin ICH5 interface for "consumer" applications (like skype, web
> browser playback etc)
> --p
hdsp? Thats a new one on me. This is an HP Pavilion dv5329us, and has
the ATI-IXP audio stuffs loaded. There is an HDSPconf in the kde
mutlimedia menu's, but it doesn't run when its launched. Is it supposed
to, or does it need something running as a pre-requisite?
-- Cheers, GeneReceived on Mon May 22 12:15:03 2006
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