Paul Davis wrote:
> On Sat, 2006-05-20 at 09:27 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>> Paul Davis wrote:
>>> On Sat, 2006-05-20 at 02:31 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
>>>> I should add another program which is crippled by this same problem Lee,
>>>> is grip. It can rip a cd, but cannot play the cd even when not
>>>> ripping it. And the ripped sound isn't up to the usual quality, often
>>>> sounding as if the playback is of a file that over-drove the d/a in
>>>> playback, or the a/d in the recording, eg clipped. A far cry from
>>>> grips usual crystal clear results.
>>> i use grip and skype and they both work perfectly for me. i suspect that
>>> your problem may be driver related rather than app related. i do not use
>>> aoss - generally i have JACK running on my hdsp interface and leave the
>>> builtin ICH5 interface for "consumer" applications (like skype, web
>>> browser playback etc)
>>> --p
>> hdsp? Thats a new one on me. This is an HP Pavilion dv5329us, and has
>> the ATI-IXP audio stuffs loaded. There is an HDSPconf in the kde
>> mutlimedia menu's, but it doesn't run when its launched. Is it supposed
>> to, or does it need something running as a pre-requisite?
> an RME HDSP is a high end 26 channel digital audio interface. if you
> didn't spend US$600-1000 on it, you don't have it :)
> my point was that these apps work just fine using the builtin audio
> interface on my system(s). i think you have driver problems.
> --p
Or chipset problems. Occasionally, skype will run for a few minutes
before things start pulling the flush handle, almost as if its heat
related. Having the hammer of being a CET, one tends to think of
hardware as the nail.
Are there newer alsa things to try? This is a fully uptodate FC5
install, i386 on an amd turion 64.
-- Cheers, GeneReceived on Mon May 22 12:15:03 2006
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