I wrote a client-side OSC sequencer for supercollider. check my site
for "scsynth".
On 5/29/06, Loki Davison <loki.davison@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On 5/27/06, Patrick Stinson <patrickkidd.lists@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Take a look at OSC. It assumes that all computers' clocks are synced
> > via ntp, which is more than adequate to ensure its 64-bit fixed point
> > timestamps are accurate. This makes the programming easier and more
> > reliable, as you only have to program to your local clock. Relying on
> > an Ethernet LAN for heartbeat-style clock syncing is never a good
> > idea, as the MIDI specification describes (you don't see a Roland
> > keyboard assembling a TCP stack on its MIDI port, for example).
> >
> > OSC does not define a transport, so you may use TCP or UDP or whatever
> > you want, as many others do. I highly recommend this as a solution for
> > you.
> >
> also a osc sequencer would be useful and yet another loop based midi
> sequencer wouldn't be. I'd also recommend process seperation of gui
> and engine. Then you can write the engine in something like c and the
> gui in something like python.
-- Patrick Kidd Stinson http://www.patrickkidd.com/ http://pkaudio.sourceforge.net/ http://pksampler.sourceforge.net/Received on Tue May 30 12:15:08 2006
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