Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Thu, Jun 22, 2006 at 07:14:30PM +0200, Joern Nettingsmeier wrote:
>> due to post-academic stress syndrome (read: i'm getting a real job ;), i
>> would like to resign from being maintainer of the linux-audio-* lists.
>> lately i haven't been able to keep up with the lists as much as i would
>> have liked to, and i feel it's time for new people to take over.
> Congrats and thank you for your work :)
> What exactly does maintainership of the lists encompass?
basically moderation of linux-audio-announce and helping people who have
problems with their accounts. the latter has become a great problem
lately, because the admin adresses are being drowned in spam :(
but basically it's all about handling mailman, which has a neat and
friendly web interface. but some extra effort spent on spam filtering
would certainly ease the job in the long run...
>> as an added bonus, there is also the job of cleaning up the old
>> page, throwing out all the obsolete stuff (i.e.
>> everything except the subscription information and the contrib/ section)
>> and maybe linking to all the excellent documentation efforts elsewhere :)
> Now this I might be interested in.
cool. the old page plain sucks, if you want to take over, that's great.
send me an ssh key in a private mail if you want. however i need to talk
to ico bukvic before giving somebody access, since he owns the box...
-- jörn nettingsmeier home://germany/45128 essen/lortzingstr. 11/ phone://+49/201/491621 if you are a free (as in "free speech") software developer and you happen to be travelling near my home, drop me a line and come round for a free (as in "free beer") beer. :-DReceived on Mon Jun 26 00:15:03 2006
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