lemmel wrote:
> Hi everyone.
> for a project, we need to be able to play sound (at first look wav file), and
> we made several tests ; with a created stereo sound, we try to use alsa but
> the results doesn't fullfill our needs :
> sound played at the time, T, we want, and finished at the date, D=T+sound
> duration.
> (thi is a software with strict time constraints)
> The sound was always troncated (even with finished software such as xmms,
> amarok), and even randomly truncated, (sound created with audacity, and
> exported as WAV 16/32 bit etc).
> When we use OSS, all seems to be perfect.
> But, it seems that OSS is nowadays "deprecated", and consequently we shouldn't
> use OSS. What we can do ? Are our alsa results due to misconfigurations ?
This might be a bug in ALSA. open a bug on the alsa bugtracker and see
if it gets fixed.
If you can include a simple test program so that developers can
reproduce the problem, that would help.
Received on Thu Nov 2 00:15:04 2006
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