linux-audio-dev -- confirmation of subscription -- request 998071

From: <linux-audio-dev-request@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Jun 16 2002 - 14:38:39 EEST

linux-audio-dev -- confirmation of subscription -- request 998071

We have received a request from for subscription of your
email address, <kaiv@email-addr-hidden>, to the
linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden mailing list. To confirm the
request, please send a message to
linux-audio-dev-request@email-addr-hidden, and either:

- maintain the subject line as is (the reply's additional "Re:" is

- or include the following line - and only the following line - in the
message body:

confirm 998071

(Simply sending a 'reply' to this message should work from most email
interfaces, since that usually leaves the subject line in the right

If you do not wish to subscribe to this list, please simply disregard
this message. Send questions to
Received on Sun Jun 16 14:26:39 2002

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