On Sat, 2006-11-11 at 21:41 -0500, Gene Heskett wrote:
> On Saturday 11 November 2006 21:00, Tony Nelson wrote:
> >At 4:21 PM -0500 11/11/06, Gene Heskett wrote:
> > ...
> >
> This thread might be of interest to the linux-audio-dev group, so I've
> added them to the Cc:
> >>Yup, and its been a constant src of amazement to this old fart that
> >> when the midi spec was setup, they used a serial port, thats fine, but
> >> when they set the data rate at only 31,250 baud, ...
> >>
> >>Consistently attrocious timeing, with the horns always 1/16 beat late
> >>unless the actual output order of each instrument is scrambled in the
> >>order output. That would make it sound a heck of a lot less
> >> mechanical. And there isn't a heck of a lot that can be done until we
> >> put midi on an optical circuit running at several megabytes/sec.
> >> Something like TOS maybe?
> >
> >Firewire. Many products already, plenty of speed, almost robust enough.
> >1/8 millisecond isoch cycle times; each cycle can contain packets from
> > many senders; each packet can contain lots of notes.
> More robust IMO than the din connectors now used for midi interconnects,
> however the cabling itself can't help but be more fragile when subjected
> to the rigors of a jam session with bodies walking on them all night.
> And that has to be a consideration else the first users will get
> discouraged at the high cable failure rates and revert, particularly if
> they have a tin ear and can't hear what to many of us would be an
> extremely obvious improvement.
> But I like that idea, a lot. Maybe some enterprising LAD people could get
> together and spec something like a midi interface running over firewire,
> complete with the repeaters so it can be daisy-chained just like midi can
> be, and hopefully release it into the PD as a new midi-2 interface
> standard. And design it such that it never, ever gets into the snails
> trail of the 31,250 baud interface it uses today.
Forget Firewire - Ethernet!
Far cheaper, far more common, more hardware available (eg switches)
Received on Mon Nov 13 04:15:28 2006
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