Re: [linux-audio-dev] integrating qt apps with common plugin interface

From: Patrick Stinson <patrickkidd@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue Jan 09 2007 - 02:47:03 EET

On 1/8/07, Pau Arumi <parumi@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> kind king knight wrote:
> > I don't think that vst, or dxi, are useful to work with qt, because they
> > aren't adopted in Linux, and I don't think that windows users would
> > bother compiling sources (for releasing compiled qt applications you
> > must buy the qt license). Beside qt doesn't have good routines for
> > playing sound (i am thinking about the gnu version <=3).
> >
> I think you miss all the points:
> Trolltech provides a GPL version of the current Qt (4.x) for Windows.
> And regarding the audio capabilities of Qt, well, you couldn't care less
> about it when you are developing VSTs, etc. plugins,
> since audio is provided by the host through the process callback.

I'll say this one more time: We have already written a qt app. That means we
have the gui code finished, and we have the audio code finished. I am
looking for how to integrate the gui drawing buffer and event loops. I'm not
worried about the audio entry point.

Robert, I'm in the same track for the clam project
> Currently you can automatically build a VST dll from a clam network
> definition. Now we want to add Qt interfaces as we do with standalone
> prototypes:
> We have not started doing experiments yet. However, it seems that it is
> possible, at least using an additional window
> Probably the extra window is needed because that Qt (GPL Win version)
> doesn't give interface to adopt a (VST) window.
> On the other hand you can find VST plugins based on FLTK, like
> ZynAddSubFx, I guess FLTK can adopt windows.
> Please report any success on that, I'll also do.

I will as well. I'm sure I'll post a wiki as I make progress...

> Pau
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Patrick Kidd Stinson
Received on Tue Jan 9 16:15:04 2007

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