[linux-audio-dev] Sample Rate Converter Comparison

From: Erik de Castro Lopo <mle+la@email-addr-hidden-nerd.com>
Date: Mon Jan 22 2007 - 23:53:13 EET

Hi all,

SecretRabbitCode was recently included in a test of a number of
commercially available sample rate converters and while it wasn't
the best, it certainly didn't disgrace itself either.

The results are here:


This test gives me yet more incentive to continue my work on coming
up with a new improved algorithm.


  Erik de Castro Lopo
"I'd rather not work with people who aren't careful. It's darwinism
in software development." -- Linus Torvalds on the linux-kernel list
Received on Tue Jan 23 00:15:06 2007

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