>>>>> "R" == Remon <remonsijrier@email-addr-hidden> writes:
R> The external processing was a feature request from a user, and
R> given the way traverso works, I stated that creating a Command
R> class to implement the functionality was easy. That turned out
R> to be right, but unfortunately, I didn't get much feedback.
R> The external processing as such is still a somewhat
R> experimental feature, and the command has been hardcoded to
R> sox.
R> If there are more people who would like to see this
R> functionality expended, please drop a note, with what exactly
R> you want to accomplish, how, which parameters and so on.
at least two types of functionalities spring to mind:
1) Edit the clip in question with whatever on the outside: snd,
snd-scripts, sox...
2) having simple access to "inserts" (while playing the track),
interconnecting w. rt-processing through jack: SC3, jamin...
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Received on Fri Jun 15 00:15:02 2007
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