2008/6/2 Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden>:
> On Mon, 2008-06-02 at 16:03 +0200, Stefano D'Angelo wrote:
>> Yep, but this is not that great for automatic chaining of effects...
>> or am I wrong?
> lets put it this way. the AudioUnit API includes a concept called a
> "graph" that is designed to let hosts do easy plugin chaining. there
> isn't a single noteworthy cross-platform host out that uses it, for two
> reasons: (a) its not cross-platform (b) every host has its own plugin
> abstraction already, and doesn't want to mess with trying to merge not
> just another plugin abstraction but a graph/interconnect/chaining one
> too.
> for what is worth, correct plugin chaining is pretty hard to do. ardour
> attempts to do this with LADSPA/VST/AudioUnit/LV2, and its really quite
> a difficult problem to get it right for all cases. what ardour does
> relies on mechanisms that some way outside of any of the above named
> plugin APIs, and are much more related to its internal signal processing
> model. if you tried to graft that code into some other host, my guess is
> that you'd have to completely reimplement it.
I don't know if you're saying I'm right or wrong (or none of the two).
With an API like EPAMP it would be quite straightforward actually,
without "more abstraction".
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Received on Mon Jun 2 20:15:04 2008
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