Am Samstag, 2. August 2008 schrieb Fons Adriaensen:
> The 'industry standard' in this field is Head Acoustics
> of Germany, who sell an insanely expensive system used by
> many car manufacturers to 'synthesize' the sound of their
> products. It's not a synthesis system, and it requires
> recordings that can be made only if you have a anechoic
> room big enough and designed to accomodate a car with the
> engine running and the wheels on torque-controlled rollers.
> Absolutely insane, but they are selling it.
Whats the target group for such a system? 10-20 customers?
I mean, how many car manufacturers (that care about the sound) are there in
Europe or the whole world? It sounds almost like one of the last financial
reports of SCO where they announce sales of four licenses of their product
and claimed a big success...
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