Re: [LAD] [libsndfile-users] help with libsndfile/etc

From: AlgoMantra <algomantra@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Oct 24 2008 - 14:34:53 EEST

Dear List,

I've been suggested that arecord may be able to record direct from
PCM if I change the environment variables. Like:

SDL_AUDIODRIVER=alsa ./myprog

 I'm quite scared of doing this, lest I lose audio altogether,
 having seen how moody Ubuntu is regarding sound. I mean,
I still haven't been able to configure Audacity after months. It's
VERY confusing to say the least. I've used dev/dsp to spit sound
but people say its deprecated. I haven't even met Jack yet, and
Alsa, she behaves funny when I say hello. Sox and dev/dspworks for me
so far, smoothly.

libsndfile is probably going to be useful to a lesser extent than I
earlier supposed. It's useful but for a different project; currently I need
simpler solution because our actual C code is barely 200 lines. We
just need to record the audio session ( from a running SDL program).

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1/f ))) --.
------- ...

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Received on Fri Oct 24 16:15:02 2008

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