Re: [LAD] [ANN] lash-0.6.0 release candidate 2

From: alex stone <compose59@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Nov 10 2008 - 22:30:24 EET

Nedko, it's installed and running, and perhaps a related note to a challenge
i was having with an Ingen runstate (segfaulted), Ingen now works, along
with Jackdbus, lpatchage, and now lash.

(Note to Dave Drobilla. I posted a ticket on your Trac showing the error
messages i got when starting ingen with $ ingen -eg.)

So far so good.

I have, in the lpatchage window, lash active, and a2jmidi active reflecting
the successful run state.

Not sure what else to include here. There's no hard crashing going on, or
odd behaviour so far. (And i'm pleased Ingen is running ok now, on F8,
CCRMA, 32bit. The 64bit boot is stable, with jackdbus, etc, but you know
that already, as you helped me 'tune' it, a little while ago. Thanks)

I've been out of the loop for a while, but there's a sizable 'coming
together' of all these components, and it shows.

I'll post more if i have a problem, or challenge, as i use it more.


On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 1:12 AM, Nedko Arnaudov <nedko@email-addr-hidden> wrote:

> release candidate 2 has some important fixes:
> * Fix for #46 - on first save of newly appeared clients, their state
> was not correcttly recorded as being saved and thus was not being
> restored on project load afterwards.
> * Memory corruption fixes caused by bug in stdout/stderr handling
> code. Was happening when lash client outputs lot of data to stdout or
> stderr
> * Improved handling of repeating lines sent to stdout/stderr
> I would like to ask LASH beleivers and other interested parties to test
> the 0.6.0 release candidate. Juuso Alasuutari and me have been doing
> some major changes to the lash code. We have done lot of work, we've
> fixed several big implementation issues and we need stable point before
> doing more changes (0.6.1 and 1.0 milestones).
> In the tarball there is simple lash_control script. One can also control
> LASH through patchage-0.4.2 and through lpatchage (availabe through
> git).
> User visible changes since 0.5.4:
> * Use jack D-Bus interface instead of libjack, enabled by default, can
> be disabled. Ticket #1
> * Allow controlling LASH through D-Bus. Ticket #2
> * Use D-Bus autolaunching instead of old mechanism. Ticket #3
> * Log file (~/.log/lash/lash.log) for LASH daemon. Ticket #4
> * Client stdout/stderr are logged to lash.log, when clients are
> launched by LASH daemon (project restore). Ticket #5
> * Improved handling of misbehaved clients. Ticket #45
> * Projects now can have comment and notes associated. Ticket #13
> Download:
> --
> Nedko Arnaudov <GnuPG KeyID: DE1716B0>
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