Re: [LAD] [ANN] DRC 3.0.1

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Dec 05 2008 - 14:44:07 EET

On Fri, Dec 05, 2008 at 12:32:42PM +0100, Denis Sbragion wrote:

> sorry, but I fear I'm missing the point. What do you mean by "recording
> correction"? DRC main goals is to correct the room/speaker response. It may be
> used even for other kind of (linear) correction, but that is what it has been
> designed for. This is the reason why you need an accurate mic, expecially WRT
> the magnitude response. If the measured room/spekaer response isn't accurately
> measured you're going to find the same kind of inaccuracies in the correction
> too.

I guess Julien means removing the room's contribution from a
recording made in that room. It *should* be possible, using
similar techniques as for normal room correction, provided
the source is in a fixed position.

Suppose you set up a microphone to record a solo voice.
Put a speaker at the place where the singer is going to
be, measure the IR, and invert. This still requires a
flat reference mic to remove the contribution from the


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Parma, Italia
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Received on Fri Dec 5 16:15:03 2008

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