Am Dienstag, 16. Dezember 2008 schrieb Thomas Kuther:
> @ oc2pus, jack in packman is broken, or YaST is. I set up a fresh
> install in a virtual machine using 11.1RC1 and only added packman.
> Currently there is:
> * pulseaudio-module-jack-0.9.12-8.5
> *
> Now if I tick the box in YaST to install "jack" it pulls in
> libjackserver2-0 and jack, which of course breaks things, as it keeps
> libjack0. zypper on the other side gets it right. See the screenshot!
nor the packman package or yast is broken...
pulseaudio-module-jack has a (wrong ?) requires to jack instead
(or a other program in your system) . And as there are more than one provider
for jack, yast pulls in the first provider for jack it finds.
So the bad packages in this dependency hell are the ones who has a "Requires:
> Regards,
> Thomas
have fun
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Received on Tue Dec 16 16:15:03 2008
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