Re: [LAD] Playing dice with IRQ's

From: Jean-Baptiste Mestelan <mestelan@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Thu Dec 18 2008 - 23:09:58 EET

2008/12/17 Jens M Andreasen <jens.andreasen@email-addr-hidden>:
> I would like to automagically increase the priority of the IRQ
> associated with my soundcard - peek at "the dice" before placing my bet
> so to say - how do I do that?

Mr Rui Nuno Capela figured this out for you/us:

Not sure why, but rtirq is hard to be found on the internet, these
days. The Gentoo-proaudio people have packaged it here:
Or see the main shell script below; the line you want goes like this:
grep irq /proc/asound/cards | tac | sed 's/.* irq \(.*\)/\1/'

Kind regards.

### ### ### ### ### ### ###
cat /etc/init.d/

#!/bin/bash +x
# Copyright (c) 2004-2007 rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela.
# /etc/init.d/rtirq
# Startup script for realtime-preempt enabled kernels.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 or later.
# chkconfig: 35 81 19
# description: Realtime IRQ thread tunning.
# Provides: rtirq
# Required-Start: $syslog $local_fs
# Should-Start: $time alsa alsasound hotplug
# Required-Stop: $syslog $local_fs
# Should-Stop: $time alsa alsasound hotplug
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 0 1 2 6
# Short-Description: Realtime IRQ thread tunning.
# Description: Change the realtime scheduling policy
# and priority of relevant system driver IRQ handlers.

# Won't work without those binaries.
for DIR in /sbin /usr/sbin /bin /usr/bin /usr/local/bin; do
       [ -z "${RTIRQ_CHRT}" -a -x ${DIR}/chrt ] && RTIRQ_CHRT=${DIR}/chrt

# Check for missing binaries (stale symlinks should not happen)
[ -n "${RTIRQ_CHRT}" -a -x ${RTIRQ_CHRT} ] || {
       echo "`basename $0`: chrt: not installed."
       [ "$1" = "stop" ] && exit 0 || exit 5

# Check for existence of needed config file and read it.
[ -r ${RTIRQ_CONFIG} ] || RTIRQ_CONFIG=/etc/default/rtirq
[ -r ${RTIRQ_CONFIG} ] || RTIRQ_CONFIG=/etc/rtirq.conf
[ -r ${RTIRQ_CONFIG} ] || {
       echo "`basename $0`: ${RTIRQ_CONFIG}: not found."
       [ "${RTIRQ_ACTION}" = "stop" ] && exit 0 || exit 6

# Read configuration.
source ${RTIRQ_CONFIG}

# Colon delimited trail list of already assigned IRQ numbers,
# preventind lower priority override due to shared IRQs.

# Reset policy of all IRQ threads out there.
function rtirq_reset ()
       # Reset all softirq-timer/s from highest priority.
       rtirq_exec_high reset
       # PIDS=`ps -eo pid,class | egrep '(FF|RR)' | awk '{print $1}'`
       PIDS=`ps -eo pid,comm | grep IRQ | awk '{print $1}'`
       for PID in ${PIDS}
               ${RTIRQ_CHRT} --pid --other 0 ${PID}

# IRQ thread handler policy prioritizer, by IRQ number.
function rtirq_exec_num ()
       # Check the services that are to be (un)threaded.
       if [ -n "`echo :${RTIRQ_NON_THREADED}: | sed 's/ /:/g' | grep
:${NAME1}:`" ]
               PREPEND="`basename $0`: ${ACTION} [${NAME2}] irq=${IRQ}"
               for THREADED in /proc/irq/${IRQ}/*/threaded
                       if [ -f "${THREADED}" ]
                               case ${ACTION} in
                                       echo "${PREPEND}: ${THREADED}: OFF."
                                       echo -n 0 > "${THREADED}"
                                       echo "${PREPEND}: ${THREADED}: ON."
                                       echo -n 1 > "${THREADED}"
       # And now do the proper threading prioritization...
       if [ -z "`echo ${RTIRQ_TRAIL} | grep :${IRQ}:`" ]
               PIDS=`ps -eo pid,comm | egrep "IRQ.${IRQ}\$" | awk '{print $1}'`
               for PID in ${PIDS}
                       PREPEND="`basename $0`: ${ACTION} [${NAME2}]
irq=${IRQ} pid=${PID}"
                       case ${ACTION} in
                               PREPEND="${PREPEND} prio=${PRI2}"
                               if ${RTIRQ_CHRT} --pid --fifo ${PRI2} ${PID}
                                       echo "${PREPEND}: OK."
                                       echo "${PREPEND}: FAILED."
                               if ${RTIRQ_CHRT} --pid --other 0 ${PID}
                                       echo "${PREPEND}: OK."
                                       echo "${PREPEND}: FAILED."
                               echo "${PREPEND}: " && ${RTIRQ_CHRT}
--pid --verbose ${PID}
                               echo "${PREPEND}: ERROR."
                       PRI2=$((${PRI2} - 1))

# IRQ thread handler policy prioritizer, by service name.
function rtirq_exec_name ()
       IRQS=`grep "${NAME2}" /proc/interrupts | awk -F: '{print $1}'`
       for IRQ in ${IRQS}
               rtirq_exec_num ${ACTION} ${NAME1} ${NAME2} ${PRI1} ${IRQ}
               PRI1=$((${PRI1} - 1))

# Generic process top prioritizer
function rtirq_exec_high ()
       case ${ACTION} in
       # Process all configured process names...
       for NAME in ${RTIRQ_HIGH_LIST}
               PREPEND="`basename $0`: ${ACTION} [${NAME}]"
               PIDS=`ps -eo pid,comm | grep "${NAME}" | awk '{print $1}'`
               for PID in ${PIDS}
                       if ${RTIRQ_CHRT} --pid --fifo ${PRI1} ${PID}
                               echo "${PREPEND} pid=${PID} prio=${PRI1}: OK."
                               echo "${PREPEND} pid=${PID}
prio=${PRI1}: FAILED."
               [ ${PRI1} -gt ${RTIRQ_PRIO_HIGH} ] && PRI1=$((${PRI1} - 1))

# Main executive.
function rtirq_exec ()
       # Check configured base priority.
       [ $((${PRI0})) -gt 95 ] && PRI0=95
       [ $((${PRI0})) -lt 55 ] && PRI0=55
       # Check configured priority decrease step.
       [ $((${DECR})) -gt 10 ] && DECR=10
       [ $((${DECR})) -lt 1 ] && DECR=1
       # (Re)set all softirq-timer/s to highest priority.
       rtirq_exec_high ${ACTION}
       # Process all configured service names...
       for NAME in ${RTIRQ_NAME_LIST}
               case ${NAME} in
                       IRQS=`grep irq /proc/asound/cards | tac | sed
's/.* irq \(.*\)/\1/'`
                       for IRQ in ${IRQS}
                               rtirq_exec_num ${ACTION} ${NAME}
${NAME} ${PRI1} ${IRQ}
                               PRI1=$((${PRI1} - 1))
                       rtirq_exec_name ${ACTION} ${NAME} "ohci_hcd" ${PRI0}
                       rtirq_exec_name ${ACTION} ${NAME} "uhci_hcd" ${PRI0}
                       rtirq_exec_name ${ACTION} ${NAME} "ehci_hcd" ${PRI0}
                       rtirq_exec_name ${ACTION} ${NAME} ${NAME} ${PRI0}
               [ ${PRI0} -gt ${DECR} ] && PRI0=$((${PRI0} - ${DECR}))

# Main procedure line.
case $1 in
       if [ "${RTIRQ_RESET_ALL}" = "yes" -o "${RTIRQ_RESET_ALL}" = "1" ]
       rtirq_exec start
       if [ "${RTIRQ_RESET_ALL}" = "yes" -o "${RTIRQ_RESET_ALL}" = "1" ]
       # rtirq_exec stop
       if [ "${RTIRQ_RESET_ALL}" = "yes" -o "${RTIRQ_RESET_ALL}" = "1" ]
               rtirq_exec stop
       #rtirq_exec status
       ps -eo pid,class,rtprio,ni,pri,pcpu,stat,comm --sort -rtprio \
               | egrep '(^[[:blank:]]*PID|IRQ|s(oft)?irq)' \
               | awk 'BEGIN {
                       while (getline IRQLine < "/proc/interrupts") {
                               split(IRQLine, IRQSplit, ":[[:blank:]|0-9]+");
                               if (match(IRQSplit[1],
"^[[:blank:]]*[0-9]+$")) {

gsub("[^[:blank:]]+PIC[^[:blank:]]*[[:blank:]]+" \

                                               "", IRQSplit[2]);
                                       IRQTable[IRQSplit[1] + 0] = IRQSplit[2];
               } { if ($9 == "")
                       { print $0"\t"IRQTable[substr($8,5)]; }
                       { print $0"\t"IRQTable[$9]; } }'
       echo " Usage: $0 {[re]start|stop|reset|status}"
       exit 1

exit 0
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Received on Fri Dec 19 00:15:02 2008

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