Congratulations :)
this is a very good idea. If someone with experience can write a list
with good howtos this would be a help.
I'm not young, I'm old and I was coder for audio and MIDI on non real
multitasking systems. Audio and MIDI stuff itself didn't change for
several issues, but the tools differ a lot.
I would like to have a list with easy to read howtos about how to use
the Linux assemblers, e.g. howtos with an index, where I quickly can
find conventions for especially this Assembler (the tool, not the language).
Another problem are the makefiles for C, I guess there are hints how to
easy do them.
I never had the time to read long manuals about how to use the tools,
because I have a lot of trouble with my audio Linux and have to solve them.
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
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