Re: [LAD] Faust source code of Guitarix?

From: hermann meyer <>
Date: Thu Jul 16 2009 - 07:04:11 EEST

Am Mittwoch, den 15.07.2009, 22:19 +0200 schrieb Stéphane Letz:
> Hi,
> I don't see the Faust code (the .dsp file) that has been used to
> produce Guitarix (
> trunk/src. It the Faust source code available somewhere?
> Thanks
> Stephane

Hi Stephane

I use a couple of .dsp files and stick them together manual afterwards.
Some time ago I have post the .dsp on LAU because one ask for it, but
anyway I will have a look in my faust folder to search them together and
include them to SVN. I will send a note when I'am done.

I would mention that I use faust for a great part, but not for all the
stuff in dsp_audio.So it isn't really covered by the faust .dsp files.
But faust is the root of guitarix.

One additional point I would mention is the work from James Warden, he
is on the way to restructure guitarix to bring all the additional stuff
in a better fashion.
We hope we could present a better structured source next day's. (again I
mean the additional stuff I have add to the faust base)

regards hermann

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Received on Thu Jul 16 08:15:02 2009

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