Hi Fons,
Both of these are your quotes from your last two email. These might
have been directly to me however you chose to take it on to the list:
> BTW, the code I referred to is a set of plugins, it is not part of AMS.
>> Returning to 'cutting corners', my MoogVCF filter is also
>> regarded as one of the best. It operates a described
>> above - it cuts a lot of corners, and certainly does not
>> accept audio rate control, even if the interface is at
>> audio rate (as is everyhting in AMS for which it was
>> written).As I just reponded to you directly, but as you seem to want to make this
public for reasons that I truly don't understand, let me put this one back
on the list.
You did not write the MoogVCF filter for AMS. You may have adapted
other peoples work, acknowledging that one thing, but let us be honest
here, trying to take credit for their work is plagiarism.
The code that you evidently did not write which was not a part of AMS
(according to you) was a part of AMS (also according to you). So again,
either you are a liar, or a self publicist, and either way, your claim to
me that it was 'your MoogVCF' is plagiarism and that was part of my
private email to you,
Kindest regards, nick.
"we have to make sure the old choice [Windows] doesn't disappear”.
Jim Wong, president of IT products, Acer
From: nickycopeland@email-addr-hidden
To: fons@email-addr-hidden; linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden
Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 23:36:04 +0100
Subject: Re: [LAD] For your information
Hi Fons,
You are welcome to post this on LAD. I would have done so as well except
if you remember from your original reply, it was directly to me and not the
list, so I thought I would be similarly respectful and only send my response
back to you,
Kindest regards, nick.
"we have to make sure the old choice [Windows] doesn't disappear”.
Jim Wong, president of IT products, Acer
> Date: Sat, 20 Feb 2010 23:22:38 +0100
> From: fons@email-addr-hidden
> To: linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden
> Subject: [LAD] For your information
> To all, for your information.
> I have received the following message from Mr. Nick Copeland.
> It was sent privately, but since this is the continuation of
> a thread on this list and the person concerned has well gone
> beyond any reasonable limits of decent behaviour I feel free
> to post it here.
> *** Start included message ***
> The last time I looked at the AMS source code I was under the impression
> that the Moog VCF filters were not actually yours, they were Tossavainen
> and Kellets. They were published eventually placed on musicdsp.org however
> there are a couple of things here:
> 1. In their original publishing they did not advocate the use of
> quantisation of their parameters - you implemented this as an
> adaptation of their algorithm.
> 2. In not quoting the original authors you are plagiarism them.
> In the source to AMS they are quoted however it is bit disingenious
> to imply that this was 'your' MoogVCF.
> In short you did not actually write the 'Moog' VCF parts and
> suggesting that this is how their algorithms worked is just
> attempting to justify quantisation to 1/16 is not deleterious
> to quality which is definitely not attributable to the original
> authors.
> >From what you are saying I would like to just say you are an
> arrogant selfpublicist however base on the claims in your email
> you are actually a lying plagiarst.
> Regards nick.
> *** End included message ***
> --
> FA
> O tu, che porte, correndo si ?
> E guerra e morte !
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