> Message: 9
> Date: Mon, 04 Oct 2010 13:51:07 +0200
> From: Max Tandetzky <max.tandetzky@email-addr-hidden-jena.de>
> Subject: [LAD] CUDA implementation for calf
> To: linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden
> Message-ID: <4CA9BFAB.2090707@email-addr-hidden-jena.de>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-15; format=flowed
> Hallo,
> I am new here, so I hope this is the right place to talk about what I
> want to do.
> I want to make a CUDA implementation of the algorithms from the
> calf-plugins. On the front end there should be placed a button (or
> something else) to (de-)activate the CUDA support. I have already
> written a jack-program (which makes some simple changes on audio data)
> using CUDA. It works good and at a first sight the performance looks
> promisingly.
> I have read a part of the mailing list archive and found out that there
> already was a discussion about audio processing with CUDA. I know there
> are some reasons for not using CUDA like the duty to use the proprietary
> Nvida driver, the limitation that only people who have an Nvidia card
> will have a benefit and so on. But the CUDA implementation may show
> which performance can be reached and may beuseful for Nvidia users
> immediately.
> I know there is OpenCL but it is not as sophisticated as CUDA at the
> moment, will have less performance than CUDA and I do not have the time
> to learn OpenCl at the moment (but the project has to be finished soon).
> I heard it is not too much work to transfer existing CUDA code to OpenCl
> code later (assuming there is already an OpenCL implementation for all
> CUDA functions which were used).
> So I want to do this with CUDA.
> At the moment I have some questions:
> 1. Is there anybody has already done or is doing something like this?
> 2. Where can I get information to make any specific changes on the calf
> code? (I examined it a bit but it will take time to understand the
> structure of the program when I only have the code, especially the part
> for the GUI seems to be conceptualized a bit more complex.)
> It would be nice if I can get some help here.
> Regards
> Max Tandetzky
Hi Max,
I've done some test using OpenCL in the context of the Faust project (http://faust.grame.fr/). Up to now results are not really good, and I guess CUDA/OpenCL will be usable only in specific cases. I'll probably now test if directly using CUDA would give some benefit. Maybe we can share some ideas?
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Tue Oct 12 20:15:02 2010
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