-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [LAD] OpenOctaveMidi2 (OOM2) beta release
From: Arnold Krille <arnold@email-addr-hidden>
To: linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden
Date: 01/27/2011 12:35 PM
> On Thursday 27 January 2011 17:51:26 Raymond Martin wrote:
>> On January 27, 2011 11:08:30 am Paul Davis wrote:
>>> ...
>>> while i admire what you are trying to do with OOM/OOM2, the forking of
>>> an existing, well-known project, without any attribution whatsoever,
>>> or even acknowledgement of the fork, is troubling to say the least.
>> It is not troubling at all. And completely in accord with licenses, the
>> only real thing that matters.
> I am _so_ glad the ideas of open source are not only about licenses...
>>> if you had done this with ardour, i'd be raising bloody hell about it.
>> And you would have no right to say anything actually as long as the license
>> was adhered to.
> He would have the right to be pissed (and quite rightly so). Taking and
> modifying someone elses work and not giving credit is troubling. Even if you
> adhered to the license and didn't change the copyright notices...
>> Any complaint that has nothing to do with licenses is just
>> moralizing.
> Which is exactly what Paul Davis was talking about.
>> I think we can all do without any of that noise, thank you.
>> Nobody has to thank you for your work. They might, but it is not required.
>> Since you choose to put it out as FOSS this is exactly what you have agreed
>> to.
> Strictly speaking in the term of laws you are correct. But as we gladly do not
> live in a world exclusively ruled by laws, there is more to it than what the
> gpl says.
> And FOSS is not only about a license. It is about giving credit where credit
> is due (otherwise the license would just be the famous "public domain" or "non
> commercial public domain" or something like that).
> But funnily enough while you accused Paul Davis of anger, it became clear to
> the whole list (and the world internet) that in fact you guys have a big
> problem with paul and his work. So much you read personal things into
> everything he says...
> BTW: He probably wouldn't have a problem with it if your website reads
> "Because ardour broke on us and the devs didn't want to do what we wanted, we
> choose to fork muse". But apparently you have such a big problem with it that
> even that is for you to much acknowledgment of pauls work...
> Anyway good luck with your project. Always sign of a good start when not
> technical facts but personal reasons made you start it...
> Have fun,
> Arnold
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Received on Fri Jan 28 00:15:04 2011
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