On Thu, 27 Jan 2011 20:27:38 +0300, alex stone wrote:
> On Thu, Jan 27, 2011 at 6:59 PM, mickski56
> <mickski56@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
>> Hi just downloaded and built oom2, all went well. It runs fine. But is
>> there any way to set the install libdir ? I have a 64 bit system with
>> 32 bit libs in /usr/lib which is where oom2 installs its files. A
>> fairly minor niggle I know but if there is a quick fix I would be
>> grateful. I did some greping in the src and OOMidi_LIB_DIR would seem
>> to be the variable to set but it seems to have no effect.
>> Thanks & keep up the good work
>> Mickski :-)
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> Mick, we'll take a look and see what's happening there. I run OOM2 on a
> 64bit system, and it installed the libs to /usr/lib64 first time around.
> Thanks for the heads up. :)
> Regards,
> Alex.
Yes I have checked ccmake advanced section, all libs are
under /usr/lib64.
grep \/lib\ /usr/lib64/pkgconfig/*
grep \/lib\ /usr/local/lib64/pkgconfig/*
and just in case
grep \/lib\ /usr/lib64/*.la
grep \/lib\ /usr/local/lib64/*.la
turns up nothing.
Has anyone running slackware64-13 multilib seen this
behaviour ? Please don't spend too much time on this I'm half suspecting
some misconfiguration my end. I will investigate further over the next
few days as time allows. If anyone has any thoughts off the top of
their heads on this please share.
Once again thanks
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Fri Jan 28 16:15:11 2011
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