On Fri, Jan 28, 2011 at 9:00 AM, alex stone <compose59@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Contrast that with the raw contempt, derision, and mocking dismissal
> of others who are willing to have a good laugh at testers, however
> clumsy they may be, and poke fun at the idea that users and devs can
> interact in a prosperous partnership for both. I've personally tested
> for at least 3 projects, day and night, providing feedback to the
> devs, at their request, only to be dismissed out of hand when i've
> turned up with reports, observations, etc...
That must be why the Ardour3 pre-release notes say:
"Many thanks are also due to Alex Stone and Dan MacDonald for their
beyond-the-call-of-duty help testing MIDI and their numerous
suggestions on workflow, UI and more."
Ardour3 shows a heavy influence from your suggestions, even though its
certainly true that not all of the ones that we liked have been
implemented and that a few of your ideas clashed with other aspects of
Ardour's design and so are unlikely to show up (though its not
So that's 1 out of the "at least 3 projects" ... a case where your
input had a major role in shaping things, and where we're actually and
publically indebted to you for your insights and suggestions. I have
no idea what the response from the other projects was. I was actually
pretty mystified when you dropped out of #ardour, but assumed it was
because you decided that ardour3 would either never or not-soon-enough
have the workflow you wanted for OOM and/or were too busy with OOM.
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Received on Fri Jan 28 20:15:03 2011
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