On Saturday 29 January 2011 18:59:32 Jeremy Salwen wrote:
> > Anyway that is the reason I delete the "or any later" term in my
> > copyright notices. Apart from the fact that one can never know whether
> > gpl4 will give all the rights exclusively to microsoft or google or the
> > nsa...
> >
> > I have always wondered about this, as it never made sense to me to
> > license
> your work under something which doesn't exist yet, and you don't know what
> its terms will be! Will the GPL5 also give away rights to your organs
> along with the software? Probably not, but I'm not willing to risk it.
For a (strong?) copyleft license, there are benefits and dangers each way.
People have to make their own call on this.
> Jeremy
all the best,
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Mon Jan 31 20:15:06 2011
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