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Le 29/11/2011 21:13, Andreas Ruge a écrit :
> Hi,
> I'd like to announce version 0.8.3 alpha of some DDP mastering tools
> I've written for Linux. If you are interested, and especially if
> you have other software which reads or writes DDP please test! I'm
> not a professional C programmer, but a recording producer, so I
> appreciate any input!
> http://ddp.andreasruge.de
> Cue2ddp converts cue/wav CD images into DDP 2.0 images, the format
> that plants often use internally to drive their glass mastering
> process. So when using DDP instead of an audio CD plants will
> usually not mess around with your project anymore, but just press
> what you send them. (Which can be a good thing.)
> Aside from the software mentioned I'd like to find out what people
> think is the best workflow for final CD mastering including DDP. By
> having cue2ddp as a stand-alone program, it can be used with all
> programs which can export cue/wav. Is that flexible enough, would
> you want other input formats? Or would you rather want to see an
> interface which can be more tighlty integrated into ofther software?
> Let's say cue2ddp would accept cue sheet *and* audio data from
> stdin, then any software could simply pipe into it. Very low tech,
> I know, but reading the DDP license I'm not sure if I can release a
> proper DDP library as open source (let me know if you think
> atherwise: www.dcainc.com).
> Also while we are at it, is there any need for other (proprietary)
> CD image formats, like .pmi (Pyramix Workstation), or JAM on OSX?
> Regards,
> Andreas
> --
> Andreas Ruge
> recording producer/balance engineer
> Germany
Hi Andreas,
I haven't taken the time to test your software yet but I think this is a
great step forward to help free software users in the professionnal field.
I studied the licence agreement, and didn't see anything preventing the
release of the code in free software. Yet I'm no lawyer and I would
advise you to ask the FSF (info@email-addr-hidden) if you'd like to release the
source code as free software.
I did see however that "DDP(R) is a trademark of DCA, Inc." and that you
have to affix that notice to your software and documentation.
If you're unable to release the source code pertaining to the DDP
protocol, I'd suggest you make a closed source library and use that in
free softwares. This would allow other application (such as Ardour for
example) to optionnaly have access to the library to generate DDP
compatible data.
As an addition, I also make DVDs and it would be great if your tools was
able to deal with it somehow. For the moment, I create and author
everything using free software then master it on DLT (containing DDP
files) using a Windows workstation for the replication plant.
Anyway, thanks for sharing it with us. I'll make sure to try it next
time I send a master for CD replication.
- --
Raphaël Doursenaud
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