> I've made a quick sketch of a possible UI, its a bit big and rough, but it
> will convey the general flavour:
> https://sites.google.com/site/harryhaaren/Home/mockup1.jpg
They look good to me!
Two things though:
- When using the original modules in AMS, I rely a lot on the actual
value. To keep the VCO as an example, it's not rare that I use 4 of
them in a Synth design, and have the 4 GUI open to compare the Octave
or Tune settings. The digits themselves helps me "work" faster!
- Are you going to use turn-knobs for combo-boxes of the original GUI?
It could work for the VCO by using little symbols for the Wave Form
(although how to makes difference between the 'Aux Saw', 'Aux Saw 1'
and 'Aux Saw 2' is somewhat a mystery!). In addition it might not work
for the next one I'm working on. Noise has a combo box with the type
of noise: 'White', 'Random' or 'Pink', that I know of, they don't have
symbolic representations (I might be very wrong here!).
Let me know what you think!
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Received on Sun Dec 11 04:15:02 2011
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