> Two things though:
> - When using the original modules in AMS, I rely a lot on the actual
> value.
Yes good point, Perhaps writing the value in digit form inside the knob
could work?
See next point about making things a lot more "shiny" and "cool" :D
Perhaps this a kind high-tech looking rather than "plain" old knobs and
labels would be nice?
I'm thinking more like so:http://lesitedeburnie.free.fr/big/micromodular.jpg
Or perhaps
the "wave type" selection or so...
Obviously the matrix routing & that is out of the question here as it
doesn't apply, I mean more the "flavour" of GUI. Or perhaps I'm getting a
touch carried away here :)
> - Are you going to use turn-knobs for combo-boxes of the original GUI?
> It could work for the VCO by using little symbols for the Wave Form
> (although how to makes difference between the 'Aux Saw', 'Aux Saw 1'
> and 'Aux Saw 2' is somewhat a mystery!). In addition it might not work
> for the next one I'm working on. Noise has a combo box with the type
> of noise: 'White', 'Random' or 'Pink', that I know of, they don't have
> symbolic representations (I might be very wrong here!).
> Let me know what you think!
> Aurélien
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