On 12/22/2011 08:55 AM, email.rafa@email-addr-hidden wrote:
> My development environment is very simple right now: vim editor, gcc
> compiler, package the lv2 manually (will write a script for that in a
> day or two) and then load the plugin in ardour to test it.
> I've found this setup to be a bit unconfortable because once I load the
> plugin in ardour I don't know how to get debug information from it
> (print statements or breakpoints with gdb).
> What does a lv2 development environment typically looks like? what are
> you guys using?
I use Ingen and SLV2.
SLV2 also provides a simple CLI for loading your plugin (using its URL)
and attaching it to the jack server. It's probably packaged for your OS.
You have to build Ingen from source, but I recommend it highly. Use
Ingen. http://drobilla.net/software/ingen/
As for breakpoints, gdb usually loads your symbols as soon as your .so
file gets loaded. So you can set your breakpoint at the start and when
it says "set on future library load?" (or something like that) you say
"yes." After you inspect the backtraces when you stop on your functions
a few times... you'll get a feel for how the host application is working
(in case you want to set breaks in the host app).
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Received on Thu Dec 22 20:15:02 2011
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