Re: [LAD] Non Session Management

From: Emanuel Rumpf <xbran@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 28 2012 - 04:27:59 EEST

A second scenario

The simple one (simple for the SM, not for the apps):

- applications decide themself how to handle large-files
- but still tell the SM about all files currently used, when the
session is saved

This allowed the SM to:

- tell the user if a certain file is part of any session registered at the SM
- export all files used by a session - optionally, either as symlinks,
or as copy to a specified directory
- verify and warn, if a referenced file is missing (although, maybe
this should be left to the app then too)

Would this suffice ?

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Received on Wed Mar 28 04:15:02 2012

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