On 04/05/2012 03:48 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 03:19:24PM +0100, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
>> On 04/05/2012 01:16 PM, Fons Adriaensen wrote:
>>> On Thu, Apr 05, 2012 at 12:14:03PM +0100, Rui Nuno Capela wrote:
>>>> from what I read on the NSM User& API specs. you can only create new,
>>>> open and save NSM-managed sessions as in each participating client
>>>> project's sub-directories. existing individual projects are out of the
>>>> picture. unless you "cheat" the NSM o.O
>>>> iow. what if, assuming Ardour were about a fully-compliant NSM client
>>>> and you want to open an existing Ardour session, one you've been working
>>>> hard previously but stand-lone ie. outside the NSM umbrella? i read that
>>>> you'll have to copy or move all ardour's session files _manually_ first,
>>>> or symlink at best, into the NSM's central/root directory and guess what
>>>> and where. that's the kind of "cheat" or "juggling" i was telling you
>>>> about :)
>>> You have a project of application A, created without NSM, and the project
>>> is saved in P (a single file, or a directory).
>>> You want to use P as part of an NSM session. Note that this scenario means
>>> that A has some button to select if it runs under NSM or not. Let's assume
>>> that the default is to run stand-alone.
>>> There are two ways to do this:
>>> 1. ('Load' and 'New' are disabled when running NSM)
>>> * Start A.
>>> * Load P.
>>> * Connect A to NSM. Application A will receive a path indicating
>>> where to save its current project. The actual message is 'open',
>>> but since there is nothing to open at the given path the only
>>> sensible thing to do is to put the current project there.
>>> App. A can do so immediately, and then continue as normal.
>>> The whole thing amounts to a 'Save as' [*] with the name given
>>> by NSM instead of the user. So it's really nothing new.
>>> 2. ('Load' and 'New' are not disabled but the application knows
>>> how to handle then when running under NSM)
>>> * Start A.
>>> * Connect A to NSM. App. A will receive a path indicating where to
>>> save the its project. Since A is now running under NSM, it remembers
>>> this path as the 'current project' even when it loads another one,
>>> or creates a complete new one (under these condition A is allowed
>>> to have 'Load' and 'New' menu entries).
>>> * Load P. App A knows that it should not save to P, but to the path
>>> given by NSM. To keep things simple, it could copy P to that path
>>> immediately and then continue as normal. Again this is essentially
>>> a 'Save as'.
>>> The only difference between the two is that in (2) the second and
>>> third steps are swapped.
>>> No 'manual' user action is required in either case.
>>> [*] 'Save as' interpreted as most apps would, not as Ardour does it.
>>> In Ardour, 'Save as' does not create a new project but a snapshot,
>>> while setting the current name to that snapshot.
>> so true, and ain't that something? you actually need the native-open and
>> save(as...) commands enabled after all o.O
> No, where do you get that ? Did you actually read what you comment on
> and think about it for a second or two ? In case (1) both are disabled
> while in managed mode. In case (2) 'Load' (or 'Open') is enabled (but
> behaves slightly differently) and 'Save as' is disabled (in the menu,
> the function is still used, to save to the path given by NSM).
ah ok, sorry. scrap (1) then
re. (2) then i concur with you when "Open" and "Save(As...)" shall be
enabled *but* having different code-paths, behavior or internal
semantics if you prefer, when in "managed" than in native/original aka.
"non-managed" modes. chalked!
we might disagree however on that "slightly" part, though. i understand
that's behavior as seen from user pov. but under the hood things might
just not be that "slight"... the usual ymmv applies ;)
ps. i know you're not found of jack-session Fons, but ntl. fwiw.
qtractor has been making that distinction when serving jack-session
requests, for almost 2 years now :P
-- rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela rncbc@email-addr-hidden _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-dev mailing list Linux-audio-dev@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/listinfo/linux-audio-devReceived on Thu Apr 5 20:15:01 2012
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