Am Sonntag, den 29.04.2012, 18:33 +0200 schrieb Emanuel Rumpf:
> 2012/4/29 hermann <>:
> >
> > This is the second time this guy distribute sticks wich binary s and he
> > claim that he didn't need to provide the source. That is, what he
> > understand under the GPL.
> >
> As I understood the GPL, he/she doesn't have to offer the source code
> to non-customers.
> ( GPL can be used commercially. )
> But in the FAQ they say :
> "
> If you commercially distribute binaries not accompanied with source
> code, the GPL says you must _ provide a written offer _ to distribute
> the source code later. When users non-commercially redistribute the
> binaries they received from you, they must pass along a copy of this
> written offer.
> This means that people who did not get the binaries directly from you
> can still receive copies of the source code, along with the written
> offer.
> "
yes, that is how I understand it also, but he explizit say that he
wouldn't do that. He only distribute binarys, no source available, for
no-one ever. No " _ provide a written offer _ " ever :-(|)
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