Re: [LAD] [Ann] Folve: Fuse file system that convolves flac files on-the-fly

From: Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 16 2012 - 19:10:37 EEST

On Sun, Sep 16, 2012 at 12:46:42AM -0700, Henner Zeller wrote:

> Over the week or so, I've build some fuse filesystem filters flac files
> on-the-fly
> using the zita convolver. This makes it real easy to play
> around with files and filters. In particular with systems that otherwise
> don't support stream convolving, but just can read files.

Interesting project...

One thing: when skipping forward (or seeking in general)
there's no need to convolve all data up to that point.
If P is the new position and L is the lenght of the IR,
then just call Convproc->reset(), seek the input file to
P - L (or 0 if P < L), and convolve up to P. You're
computing a FIR filter, so no more history is required.

If the seek involves an output discontinuity for the user,
you could even just call Conproc->reset(), seek to P, and
proceed normally. The result will be as if there was only
silence before P.


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Received on Sun Sep 16 20:15:01 2012

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