Re: [LAD] JACK on Raspberry Pi

From: Robert Jonsson <spamatica@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Sep 16 2012 - 22:38:00 EEST

Hi Lars,

2012/9/14 Lars-Erik Helander <lehswe@email-addr-hidden>

> I have the same problem and from what I understand, the problem is that
> the alsa driver for the rpi lacks functionality ( mmap support) required by
> jack.
> I was thinking about writing a new jackd driver backend using the omxlayer
> available on the rpi, and bypassing alsa, but before doing that I would
> need to know more about the jackd driver interface and what functions would
> be required to implement. I am only interested in audio output, so my aim
> was to limit the driver to the required output functions.
> Any help, suggestions or guidance would be most welcome.
> Don't know if getting Jack running on the PI would actually be usable for
anything, but it'd sure be fun.
I've got one too and to my big surprise I got MusE running on it and
playing through an usb midi interface. For audio support jack would be
needed, so if you get it working, do tell. :)


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Received on Mon Sep 17 00:15:02 2012

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