Re: [LAD] avw.lv2: lvtk and time

From: Michael Fisher <mfisher31@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Sun Dec 02 2012 - 13:31:32 EET

On Sun, 2012-12-02 at 11:25 +0000, Aurélien Leblond wrote:
> Hi Michael
> Sorry for the late response and thank you for feedback. I've
> updated
> lvtk to use -Wl,-z,nodelete in Git.
> What git are you referring to? I pulled git:// but
> cannot see the changes there.
> I haven't had a change to try avw.lv2 quite yet. Is this a
> synth plugin
> by chance? If so, I'll add some other changes to lvtk that
> are floating
> around...
> I recently discovered the Synth wrapper isn't exactly
> frame-accurate
> when triggering MIDI note-on/off events. Good thing is I know
> exactly
> why and where to resolve it. I should have a chance to roll
> those in
> later this afternoon.
> the avw.lv2 plugins are not exactly synths, they are modules to create
> synths in Ingen.
> I ported them from the internal modules of AlsaModularSynth.
> So they don't use MIDI but Control Voltage ports - and now Atom ports
> thanks to your work and David's :)

Ahh yes, changes aren't in master quite yet. Try git fetching again and
then checking out the release-1.0.3 branch

$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout release-1.0.3

should do the trick.

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Received on Sun Dec 2 16:15:04 2012

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