On Fri, 06 Sep 2013 09:40:39 +0200 Florian Paul Schmidt
<mista.tapas@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> sure, regular full backups are a great thing. But there's one simple
> thing I like to do especially with code: Setup your repositories on a
> different machine (like a rented root server, or a public hoster like
> github). Then always push your commits regularly (oh, it compiles
> again
> - push it :D). Makes working on different machines easy, too. It's
> simpler than setting up and adhering to a strict backup plan and it's
> naturally incremental and closely tied to the development process.
> Reminds me: I have to throw on my full backup again..
Don't do backups! Have them done automatically!
I recommend backuppc, it also "catches" machines that aren't running
And when you work with remote repositories (you should), don't forget
to back up these too.
Have fun,
PS: No one wants backups. People only want restore.
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