Re: [LAD] JACK on Gigaport HD+ at 4800kHz (reduced channel count)

From: Jörn Nettingsmeier <nettings@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Feb 26 2014 - 00:08:11 EET

hi clemens, thanks for your help.

On 02/25/2014 02:23 PM, Clemens Ladisch wrote:
> Jörn Nettingsmeier wrote:
>> I'm trying to get my Gigaport HD+ to run at 48000kHz. The specs say it is capable of 8ch @ 44k1/16, 6ch at 44k1/24 and 48k/24.
> Please show the output of "lsusb -v" for this device.

see below. i'd be interested to hear what you find.

>> When I try to start it at 48k, it comes up ok but ends up running at 44k1. It shows 8 channels, so that's expected.
>> Now, how do I tell it to use only 6, so that I can get to 48k?
>> I've tried setting -o6, which gives the usual "cannot set playback channel count".
> In theory, any supported combination of parameters should work with Jack.
> Does it work with "speaker-test -D hw:3 -c 6 -r 48000"?

~ # speaker-test -D hw:1 -c 6 -r 48000


Playback device is hw:1
Stream parameters are 48000Hz, S16_LE, 6 channels
Using 16 octaves of pink noise
Channels count (6) not available for playbacks: Invalid argument
Setting of hwparams failed: Invalid argument

so the issue appears to be at the ALSA level, not with JACK.
btw, the same happens with 48k/8ch (which is out of spec according to
ESI), but also with 96k/2ch, which should be supported.

btw, the card claims 24bit support (whatever that is worth in this price
range), but i find i cannot specify 24bit int, only S16_*, float, and
S32_* - am i misunderstanding this option, or does it not represent
24bit fixed-point?

what is the best way to pursue this further?



Bus 002 Device 011: ID 2573:0009
Device Descriptor:
   bLength 18
   bDescriptorType 1
   bcdUSB 1.00
   bDeviceClass 0 (Defined at Interface level)
   bDeviceSubClass 0
   bDeviceProtocol 0
   bMaxPacketSize0 8
   idVendor 0x2573
   idProduct 0x0009
   bcdDevice 1.00
   iManufacturer 1 ESI Audiotechnik GmbH
   iProduct 2 GIGAPort HD+
   iSerial 0
   bNumConfigurations 1
   Configuration Descriptor:
     bLength 9
     bDescriptorType 2
     wTotalLength 116
     bNumInterfaces 2
     bConfigurationValue 1
     iConfiguration 0
     bmAttributes 0x80
       (Bus Powered)
     MaxPower 250mA
     Interface Descriptor:
       bLength 9
       bDescriptorType 4
       bInterfaceNumber 0
       bAlternateSetting 0
       bNumEndpoints 0
       bInterfaceClass 1 Audio
       bInterfaceSubClass 1 Control Device
       bInterfaceProtocol 0
       iInterface 0
       AudioControl Interface Descriptor:
         bLength 9
         bDescriptorType 36
         bDescriptorSubtype 1 (HEADER)
         bcdADC 1.00
         wTotalLength 46
         bInCollection 1
         baInterfaceNr( 0) 1
       AudioControl Interface Descriptor:
         bLength 12
         bDescriptorType 36
         bDescriptorSubtype 2 (INPUT_TERMINAL)
         bTerminalID 1
         wTerminalType 0x0101 USB Streaming
         bAssocTerminal 0
         bNrChannels 8
         wChannelConfig 0x00ff
           Left Front (L)
           Right Front (R)
           Center Front (C)
           Low Freqency Enhancement (LFE)
           Left Surround (LS)
           Right Surround (RS)
           Left of Center (LC)
           Right of Center (RC)
         iChannelNames 0
         iTerminal 0
       AudioControl Interface Descriptor:
         bLength 16
         bDescriptorType 36
         bDescriptorSubtype 6 (FEATURE_UNIT)
         bUnitID 2
         bSourceID 1
         bControlSize 1
         bmaControls( 0) 0x00
         bmaControls( 1) 0x03
           Mute Control
           Volume Control
         bmaControls( 2) 0x03
           Mute Control
           Volume Control
         bmaControls( 3) 0x03
           Mute Control
           Volume Control
         bmaControls( 4) 0x03
           Mute Control
           Volume Control
         bmaControls( 5) 0x03
           Mute Control
           Volume Control
         bmaControls( 6) 0x03
           Mute Control
           Volume Control
         bmaControls( 7) 0x03
           Mute Control
           Volume Control
         bmaControls( 8) 0x03
           Mute Control
           Volume Control
         iFeature 0
       AudioControl Interface Descriptor:
         bLength 9
         bDescriptorType 36
         bDescriptorSubtype 3 (OUTPUT_TERMINAL)
         bTerminalID 3
         wTerminalType 0x0301 Speaker
         bAssocTerminal 0
         bSourceID 2
         iTerminal 0
     Interface Descriptor:
       bLength 9
       bDescriptorType 4
       bInterfaceNumber 1
       bAlternateSetting 0
       bNumEndpoints 0
       bInterfaceClass 1 Audio
       bInterfaceSubClass 2 Streaming
       bInterfaceProtocol 0
       iInterface 0
     Interface Descriptor:
       bLength 9
       bDescriptorType 4
       bInterfaceNumber 1
       bAlternateSetting 1
       bNumEndpoints 1
       bInterfaceClass 1 Audio
       bInterfaceSubClass 2 Streaming
       bInterfaceProtocol 0
       iInterface 0
       AudioStreaming Interface Descriptor:
         bLength 7
         bDescriptorType 36
         bDescriptorSubtype 1 (AS_GENERAL)
         bTerminalLink 1
         bDelay 1 frames
         wFormatTag 1 PCM
       AudioStreaming Interface Descriptor:
         bLength 11
         bDescriptorType 36
         bDescriptorSubtype 2 (FORMAT_TYPE)
         bFormatType 1 (FORMAT_TYPE_I)
         bNrChannels 8
         bSubframeSize 2
         bBitResolution 16
         bSamFreqType 1 Discrete
         tSamFreq[ 0] 44100
       Endpoint Descriptor:
         bLength 9
         bDescriptorType 5
         bEndpointAddress 0x01 EP 1 OUT
         bmAttributes 9
           Transfer Type Isochronous
           Synch Type Adaptive
           Usage Type Data
         wMaxPacketSize 0x0360 1x 864 bytes
         bInterval 1
         bRefresh 0
         bSynchAddress 0
         AudioControl Endpoint Descriptor:
           bLength 7
           bDescriptorType 37
           bDescriptorSubtype 1 (EP_GENERAL)
           bmAttributes 0x01
             Sampling Frequency
           bLockDelayUnits 0 Undefined
           wLockDelay 0 Undefined
Device Status: 0x0000
   (Bus Powered)

Jörn Nettingsmeier
Lortzingstr. 11, 45128 Essen, Tel. +49 177 7937487
Meister für Veranstaltungstechnik (Bühne/Studio)
Tonmeister VDT
Linux-audio-dev mailing list
Received on Fri Feb 28 00:15:11 2014

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