On Fri, 24 Apr 2015 20:33:05 -0700 (PDT), Len Ovens wrote:
>another idea for a touch screen:
>1 touch control with finger one.
>2 put finger two some distance away.
>3 move finger two towards control to decrease value or farther away to
>increase value.
>4 lift both fingers. I am not sure if lift order would matter. (it
>I do not know how long it would take to "learn" this so it was natural
>to use.
Hi Len,
it conflicts with gestures, if you by accident don't touch the control
and you do the two finger pinch, something unpleasant could happen.
1 touch the control, it gets a colour that signals that it's activated
2 put a finger some distance away
3 move towards control to decrease value or farther away to increase value
4 touch the control again, to deactivate it, colour becomes normal
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Received on Sat Apr 25 16:15:01 2015
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